
Cheshvan 5778

New Moon Reading

In the longstanding tradition of mystical Jews and lifestyle publications, we bring you New Moon Readings. They aren’t fortune telling or magic, and they’re not about luck or a mysterious power. They draw upon on the wise monthly themes of the Hebrew calendar, the influence of the solar system on our daily lives, and, sometimes, totally pagan prognostication tools (tarot!) to guide us.

Cheshvan is the second month of the Jewish lunar calendar and it is a time to turn the resolutions we put forth during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur into practical action.

So, to the cards we ask: What are we putting into the world during this new moon and month?

With the Two of Wands at our base, the possibilities are endless. Our future is a beautiful landscape, an open field, a mountain that we are about to climb. Right now, it feels as though anything we dream is possible. We are being asked to think big. Dream without restriction.

In the background, we are surrounded by the energies of Healing and Saturn. We are thinking deeply about how to execute on our dreams in a way that serves our highest selves. Our dreams should feel good – no more pushing ourselves to the extreme. It’s about practical and realistic ways to bring what we want into our lives. What won’t burn us out?

With the medicine of the Exemplar of Stones, we are being asked to live in our abundance, to explore what it feels like to have everything we want, and to feel that everything we have right now is all that we need. We are already abundant. What is it that you have that no one else has? Cultivate that. Be true to your own special skills. We feel we have enough when we aren’t trying to be anything other than what we are.

Cultivate your big dream, not anyone else’s.

By Lauren Cucinotta, a Brooklyn-based intuitive Tarot card reader and energy healer. As the child of non-practicing Catholics and a Jewish stepdad, Lauren jokes that she was the biggest shiksa in Hebrew School. Her readings gently reveal the hidden truths of surrounding energies so that you can gain clarity and take action.

Want more wisdom? Book a reading with Lauren here and follow her on Instagram.

(“Back to the sun” by alain01789 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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