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Why should you become an Arq member?
When you become an Arq member, you show that you believe in Arq’s mission to build an inclusive space for all people to explore their own Jewish connection, no matter their starting point.
You show that you want Arq to keep helping you live more Jew-ish.
You also help Arq build a sustainable financial future and show that you value the content, experiences, and community we create.
Arq membership benefits
As a paying member, you get:
? our deep gratitude (look out for a token of our thanks in the mail!)
? a monthly shout out on Arq’s various platforms
☎️ regular opportunities to talk to our founder, Danya, and each other
? we’ll also keep you in the know about our plans for the future in a members-only biannual report
Ready to join us?
Become an Arq member for $9 per month – OR – get all of the benefits listed above for just $90 per year (who doesn’t love a discount?!).
Want to make a one-time contribution of any amount?
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